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微信 32692950自考本科英语二历年真题是备考英语二考试的重要参考资料,通过研究历年真题 ,考生可以了解考试题型 、熟悉考试难度、找到自己的薄弱环节,从而提高备考效率,本文将为大家提供英语二历年真题的解析 ,帮助大家更好地备战自考本科英语二考试 。
阅读理解部分是英语二考试的重点和难点,占总分的45%,历年真题的阅读理解部分涵盖了多种题材,如议论文 、说明文、故事等 ,解题技巧主要包括:
1. 抓住文章主旨,快速筛选关键词;
2. 熟悉考纲要求,判断题型;
3. 对比选项 ,排除干扰项;
通过研究历年真题,考生可以发现阅读理解的出题规律,提高答题速度和准确率 ,以下为历年真题中的一篇阅读理解文章及解析:
Passage 1
In the United States, there are a number of common gestures people use every day. One of the most popular is the "thumbs-up" sign, which means "good job" or "I agree." However, in some cultures, the thumbs-up gesture can be offensive. For example, in Greece, it is considered rude.
The "OK" sign, made by connecting the thumb and index finger into a circle, is generally seen as a sign of approval or agreement. But in Brazil, it is considered vulgar. Similarly, the "wave" gesture, where the hand moves up and down like a wave, is a friendly greeting in the United States. However, in some parts of Europe, it is associated with saying goodbye.
It's essential to be aware of the different meanings of gestures when traveling to avoid misunderstandings. Learning about cultural differences can help us communicate more effectively and show respect to others.
1. 通读全文 ,了解大意;
2. 分析句子结构,判断填空处词性;
3. 结合上下文,推测空缺词语。
通过研究历年真题 ,考生可以发现完形填空题的出题规律,提高答题准确率,以下为历年真题中的一篇完形填空题及解析:
Once upon a time, there was a young man named Jack who lived in a small village. Jack was known to be a __(1)__ person, always __(2)__ to help others when they needed it.
One day, Jack __(3)__ a letter from his __(4)__ in another country. His __(5)__ was __(6)__ him to come and visit her. Jack was very __(7)__ because he had never __(8)__ to that part of the world. He __(9)__ his __(10)__ and __(11)__ to the __(12)__.
翻译部分占总分的25%,主要考察考生的英汉互译能力 ,解题技巧包括:
1. 了解中文和英文的表达差异;
2. 注意句子结构的转换;
3. 词汇的准确表达。
1. 请将以下英文句子翻译成中文:
Nowadays, more and more people are __(1)__ to use public transportation instead of private cars.__